Continuous Deployment of Website on an AWS Fargate
We have to have a website in php/html with the database connection in php format. Here we have used html for website designing the form which contain the registration of the student and in the form we have provided the action of the php which contain basic the configuration of the database which is required to store the information.
And most important of having AWS Account to deploy the website and host using AWS Fargate and github credentials.
Structure of website files:
Services Used:
1. AWS CodeCommit: to commit the files of php and other for deployment
2. AWS CodeBuild: to build the files which is stored in CodeCommit
3. AWS CodePipeline: to automatedly deploy website
4. AWS ECR: repository to store image
5. AWS Fargate: to creating cluster of the image
6. AWS RDS: for database storage
Following are the steps to implement
1. Push Website code on AWS:
before pushing the files we have to create Codecommit repository
Now we have to clone repository to our local machine using AWS CLI
>> git config –global “<USERNAME>”
>> git config –global “<EMAIL>”
>> git clone <HTTPS URL>
>> cd php
Copy the above mentioned files in the current directory
>> git add .
>> git commit -m “initial commit”
>> git push
While pushing you will be asked to enter the git credentials which you can generate in IAM Console under your IAM User
2. Create Project in CodeBuild
Project Configuration
>> Project name: php-docker
>> Source Provider: AWS CodeCommit
>> Repository: php
>> Reference Type: Branch
>> Branch: master
>> Environment Image: Managed Image
>> Operating system: Ubuntu
>> Runtime: Standard
>> Image: Choose any
>> Image version: by default
>> Environment type: Linux
>> Check the privilege checkbox
>> Service Role: New service role
>> Build Specification: use a buildspec file
Now click on Create Build Project
We have to add 2 more policies to IAM role which we have created during Build Project and it will give access to RDS and ECR Registry, they are
1. AmazonRDSFullAccess
2. AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
3. Create Repository in ECR
we have to create repository in ECR to push images
4. Create cluster in AWS Fargate
Now we will create cluster using AWS Fargate which will create serverless-platform on which we can deploy our website.
>> Open ECS console and click on Get Started
Step 1: Container and Task
Container Definition
>> Select Custom and click on configure
>> Container Name: Docker-Website
>> Image:<Copy URL of ECR Repository>
>> Memory Limit: Soft Limit: 512
>> Port Mapping: 80
>> Click on Update
Click on Next
Step 2: Service
>> LoadBalancer Type: Application Load Balancer
Click on Next
Step 3: Cluster
>> Cluster Name: Docker-Website-Cluster
Click on Next
Review and Click on Create
5. Create RDS Database
Click on Create Database
Choose a database creation method: Standard create
>> Engine Option: MySQL
>>Template: Free-tier
>> DB Instance Identifier: phpfargate
>> Master User Name: admin
>> Master Password: ******
>> Confirm Password: ******
DB Instance Type
>> Burstable Classes: db.t2.micro
>> VPC: Choose vpc which we have created in Cluster
And leave rest by default and click on Create Database
>> Copy EndPoint of RDS in $host parameter in db_config.php file
6. Create AWS CodePipeline
Step 1: Choose Pipeline Setting
>> Pipeline Name: Webapp-Pipeline
>> Service role: New service role
Click on Next
Step 2: Add Source Stage
>> Source Provider: AWS CodeCommit
>> Repository Name: php
>> Branch Name: master
Click on Next
Step 3: Add Build Stage
>> Build Provider: AWS CodeBuild
>> Project Name: php-docker
Click on Next
>>Skip Deploy stage and click on Next
>> Review and Click on Create Pipeline
Now we can access our website from cluster
>> Cluster -> Task -> Select Task and Under Network Section Copy Public IP Address
And the database will look like as follows:
From the above architecture which has been designed with continuous deployment and also used the resources which are optimized as we have used AWS Fargate to provide all the underlying provision resources and also handles cluster optimization which leads to cost optimization factor.